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Playtesters needed

EclipseSHOE is currently playable, and I’ve been playtesting it with different scenarios. I’ve already noticed several things that could be improved.

However, I’m only one person running the game. I’d like the game to echo the experiences of many people, and not just my preferences. That is why playtesting is key.

I’ve already received some feedback, but rather than a few voices, I’d like to hear from the variety of people that are going to play the game. Hopefully, that group will be large, and varied.

I will continue updating the game closer to version 1.0, but the more I get your feedback before that, the better it will be.

The easiest way to contribute is to open the feedback form and tell me how you feel about the game. It’s a bit long, but if answering all the questions feel like too much, skip to the ones you have something to say on.

If you are familiar with Github, you can also head there, and directly add issues. It’s really simple! You just write what could be improved, and it’s there for everyone to see and comment.

If you read the text, you probably noticed that English isn’t my first language. If you really want to contribute, you can read the text and suggest improvements on how things are phrased. Again, if you are comfortable using Github, sending pull requests is easiest. But if that is too much, you can also send me a message – my contact information can be found from my website.